“Our brains renew
themselves throughout life to an extent previously thought not possible.”
― Michael Gazzaniga, neuroscientist
― Michael Gazzaniga, neuroscientist
I was just asked by a writer at Forbes about inventions that have “rewired the brain,” especially
with reference to our generalized use of Google. I scrolled around under
this term and discovered quite a few usages—too many, I think, because this
term has a specific engineering reference, one that overestimates the direct
effects of technology on human thinking and behavior.
Steven Johnson’s bright book on the implications of
technological innovation, How We Got to
Now: Six Innovations that made the modern world,” (2014) outlines six major
themes, from glass, cold, sound, cleanliness, and time, ending up with light,
but not one of these critical chapters from material history claims to have
rewired anyone’s brain. Instead, each
domain is the story of inventions that altered human expectations and behavior
worldwide, influencing the state of the art of civilization but also revealing
the mechanisms of the exchange of ideas, creative teams, and the timelines of
invention, as well as applied use in society.
What has been studied with respect to thinking is the use of
the internet search engine as a learning channel —but also as a storage device
for memory. The operating assumption is that once something has been
discovered through Google, the user doesn’t devote any effort to memorizing the
material, because we are aware we can always revisit the source to refresh that
memory. This was the same fear that developed around the printed word
starting with Guttenberg’s press in 1453; that print would destroy memory--as
the written word was predicted to do some 4500 years before. Of course
what happened was the proliferation of ideas fueling the Enlightenment and the
freeing of thought from the confines of church doctrine and access to the
riches of global knowledge.
In the same vein, Artificial Intelligence doesn’t mean we
will stop using our own brains or the discipline of thinking—AI just empowers
our thought by amassing millions or billions of bytes into new patterns to
inform in great depth the way we are able to see the world. Digital forms
of information processing doesn’t make our brains digital, just extends our
reach and grasp of data far too oversized to be absorbed through the normal
senses. The neuroplasticity of our
brains, which is essentially what separates and elevates us from our primate
cousins, is custom-made to benefit from the depth and breadth of big data.
In the same way, the invention of lenses for reading in
monasteries 800 years ago didn’t rewire our abilities to see and read ancient
Latin manuscripts. It simply revealed the nearsightedness that could then
be corrected by a sweeping market for spectacles, then the microscope,
telescope, camera, fiberglass, TV and film. The Roman invention of clear
glass cleared the way for the scientific revolution. And glasses became a
human technological wearable, the first since the invention of clothing.
“Rewiring” is used loosely to refer to the impact of
technology on human behavior and culture. The brain is constantly
reorganizing through neuroplasticity, meaning new networks of connections
between neurons, which the brain does all the time with new learning.
This is a functional change, like those that occur under the influence of
alcohol or depression, changing the volume of white matter and grey
matter. Gaming releases dopamine, which enhances attention and visuospatial
skills, and is addictive, requiring greater and greater activity to produce the
same level of reward—the same effect produced by long-term use of
pornography. Online and digital gaming by a hard-core percentage of daily
users (like day-traders) get regular infusions of dopamine that promote
addiction. Meanwhile, the efficiency of
attention, focus, and visuospatial skills actually bestow serious skill sets
that find all kinds of uses in the world of work.
However, this is not really rewiring, but adaptations of the
brain to new stimuli or new situations that demand better efficiencies in one
part of the brain versus another, which may lose potency as other areas take
over. The ratio of white to grey matter in the brain’s makeup is affected
by habit and experience. Our brain seeks out rewards from the world around
us—from TV, socialization, chocolate, smoking, sports betting, travel, or
playing Tetris—there are as many forms of addiction as an outcome of these
unending explorations.
By contrast, rewiring would be a change in structure—in the
way the system works, not just adapts to new content. This is a more
fundamental level of change. But the key
trait of the human brain has always been its adaptability to new circumstances,
a wide network of social demands, and the acquisition and integration of new
knowledge and the creation of new ways of thinking about both new and old
datasets—the adaptability implied by neuroplasticity.
If there is a single technology that could be said to have
effected such a change, it would be the invention of fire 200,000 to 400,000
years ago, the game-changing master invention of humankind that eventually led
to culture itself through a biological shift. The theory goes that the
new ability to cook food over heat under control made early humans far more
efficient because they could devote less time hunting and gathering raw foods
and chewing and digesting them. The high proteins of meat in greater
quantities, digesting quickly after searing with fire, could be ingested and
absorbed. Meat-eating actually grew brain size to the highest ratio to
body size in the animal kingdom, allowing the thinking revolution to begin that
is the basis for human civilization.